Take a look at SPY, SPX, DIA, and QQQQ on this website. It provides the open interest put call ratios for each of these stocks/indexes.
Right now, the put/call ratio for SPY is 1.53, SPX is 1.37, DOW is 1.20, DIA is 1.21, NDX is 1.50, QQQQ is 0.98. Above 1.1, the market is bearish, below 0.90, the market is bullish, and between 0.90 and 1.1 the market is somewhat neutral. Right now, SPY and the DOW are bearish while QQQQ, the trading platform for NDX is neutral±. In a bearish market, the platform traders will go long as the put-call payout percentage is greater then with the long positions.
With comrade O in charge, he has likely given orders to keep the market going up using the PPT to provide confidence the government can pay for national health insurance, etc. He's got billions in TARP funds he can use for market manipulation and it doesn't take much.
In the past, the market was a casino with the platform traders trading bearish if market sentiment was bullish and vice versa. The PPT has thrown a monkey wrench into the mix by giving platform traders their marching orders to keep the market going up to support BHO's programs. Also, we are in a bearish sentiment market, so this helps keep the market going up. But if interest rates keep going up and some more real bad news comes out like the $US falls below 76 on forex, the market will crash regardless of the PPT and the platform traders.
As market sentiment is bearish and with the help of the PPT, the market will continue to go up until there's some type of crisis. Expect 1050 for SPX before a crash takes place. What I've found is, in a rising market, bad news is ignored and technical trading signals don't work for short traders; and conversely, bullish technical signals and any good news raises the market.
Right now, the put/call ratio for SPY is 1.53, SPX is 1.37, DOW is 1.20, DIA is 1.21, NDX is 1.50, QQQQ is 0.98. Above 1.1, the market is bearish, below 0.90, the market is bullish, and between 0.90 and 1.1 the market is somewhat neutral. Right now, SPY and the DOW are bearish while QQQQ, the trading platform for NDX is neutral±. In a bearish market, the platform traders will go long as the put-call payout percentage is greater then with the long positions.
With comrade O in charge, he has likely given orders to keep the market going up using the PPT to provide confidence the government can pay for national health insurance, etc. He's got billions in TARP funds he can use for market manipulation and it doesn't take much.
In the past, the market was a casino with the platform traders trading bearish if market sentiment was bullish and vice versa. The PPT has thrown a monkey wrench into the mix by giving platform traders their marching orders to keep the market going up to support BHO's programs. Also, we are in a bearish sentiment market, so this helps keep the market going up. But if interest rates keep going up and some more real bad news comes out like the $US falls below 76 on forex, the market will crash regardless of the PPT and the platform traders.
As market sentiment is bearish and with the help of the PPT, the market will continue to go up until there's some type of crisis. Expect 1050 for SPX before a crash takes place. What I've found is, in a rising market, bad news is ignored and technical trading signals don't work for short traders; and conversely, bullish technical signals and any good news raises the market.